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​Healthcare Bill is Another Failure of Congress to Fulfill Promises
This unconstitutional drain on the taxpayer has got to stop. There is no such thing as "free Federal money" no matter how much the GOPe and the Left want you to believe it. We expanded welfare to healthy, able-bodied, working-age, childless adults. This dilutes the resources available to the truly needy - the people who CANNOT care for themselves. The Dems try to say it is "mean" to stop giving people government handouts - it is mean to take away from those who are unable to care for themselves and give it to those who can, but won't or don't.” Read More.
Arizona Appeals Court overturns in-state tuition for 'dreamers'
This is not hate, it's the law. We will not allow liberal progressive activists to use emotion to spin this into something it's not. The law is the law. Read More.
Soros-Linked Groups Behind California Ban on Detaining Illegal Immigrants
A plan to ban local and county jails in California from detaining illegal immigrants with immigration detainers is being pushed by open borders organizations. The groups have ties to globalist billionaire George Soros. Read More.
Ward urges Trump: Overturn Obama-Flake pro-Cuban government policy
Republican U.S. Senate candidate Kelli Ward today urged President Trump to overturn the Obama-Flake “policy of appeasement” toward Cuba before the country becomes “another Venezuela.” Read More.
Resist Movement, Violence Threaten United States
The first skirmishes of a second American civil war have begun. Read More.
Journo Says ‘Violent Resistance’ Should Be More Organized Than Baseball Shooting
A Huffington Post writer appeared to criticize the baseball shooter for poor planning Wednesday, saying “violent resistance” has to be more organized to “work.” Read More.
Support for Southern Poverty Law Center links Scalise, Family Research Council shooters
The shooter blamed for Wednesday's bloody attack on a Republican congressional baseball team shared a tie with the 2012 gunman who attacked the conservative Family Research Council in Washington. Read More.
Kelli greets Mitt with hard truth as he arrives in AZ to prop up Jeff Flake
Mitt Romney is coming to Arizona to try to prop up Jeff Flake. He was wrong on Donald Trump and he's wrong on Jeff Flake. America is tired of the professional political class. Arizona needs a proven conservative leader in the US Senate - AZ needs Dr. Kelli Ward. Read More.
The #NeverTrump globalists are rallying to defend one of their most prominent members... Sanctuary Senator Jeff Flake
Mitt Romney and the Flake will be traveling around Arizona this weekend trying to raise money because they can see the incredible momentum that our campaign is building. They can see the writing on the wall: people are rejecting their "America Last" policies and Flake's days in the Senate are numbered. Read More.
Do Republicans who criticize Trump face peril? Jeff Flake is about to find out.
Sen. Jeff Flake delivered a stark warning to business leaders eager to learn more about GOP plans to remake the health-care system: It’s really hard, and Republicans might not succeed. Read More.
Senate Candidate Joins Customers Canceling USAA After They Cave to Pressure
Dr. Kelli Ward is planning to join military personnel, veterans, and families who are ending their relationship with USAA after the company caved to political pressure by pulling their ads from the Sean Hannity show. Read More.
Trump Justice budget targets illegal immigration
President Donald Trump is proposing to trim the Justice Department’s overall budget in the coming year, but he wants to boost funding for a crackdown on illegal immigration. Read More.
Immigration arrests up 38 percent nationwide under Trump
In the 100 days since President Trump signed an executive order to enhance immigration enforcement, arrests of undocumented immigrants are up 38% from the same period in 2016, according to Immigration and Customs Enforcement data released Wednesday. Read More.
Ward seeks removal of ‘atrocious’ Phoenix billboard
I believe in free speech, but I also believe in capitalism, which is why I’m having my campaign look into making an offer for the billboard space. Read More.
GOP primary challenger rips into Flake for questioning Comey firing
​A challenger to Sen. Jeff Flake in the 2018 Republican primary took a verbal swing at the senator after he questioned the timing of the decision to fire former FBI Director James Comey. Read More.

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