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Immigration arrests up 38 percent nationwide under Trump
In the 100 days since President Trump signed an executive order to enhance immigration enforcement, arrests of undocumented immigrants are up 38% from the same period in 2016, according to Immigration and Customs Enforcement data released Wednesday. Read More.
Ward seeks removal of ‘atrocious’ Phoenix billboard
I believe in free speech, but I also believe in capitalism, which is why I’m having my campaign look into making an offer for the billboard space. Read More.
GOP primary challenger rips into Flake for questioning Comey firing
​A challenger to Sen. Jeff Flake in the 2018 Republican primary took a verbal swing at the senator after he questioned the timing of the decision to fire former FBI Director James Comey. Read More.
GOP primary opponent knocks Flake for criticizing Comey firing
​Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) is facing criticism from an early primary opponent for voicing concerns about President Trump's firing of FBI Director James Comey. Read More.
Dr. Kelli Ward Slams Rep. Sinema on Her Support from Dark Places
Whether it's the butchers at Planned Parenthood or the alleged enablers of child and human trafficking at Backpage, Representative Sinema attracts support from very dark places. Read More.
Joyce Wants You To Support Dr. Kelli Ward For US Senate
Our fight has just begun to limit government, lower taxes, secure the border and heal the VA. Read More.
Hope For The Beginning Of Real Change On The Border
What Senator Flake seems to have forgotten is that drones, cameras, and more Border Patrol are already in place. Read More.
Kelli Speaks with The Millennial Post at CPAC
During CPAC last week, Kelli had the chance to speak with The Millennial Post. Read More.
Immigration Executive Order
In a prepared statement and video from her campaign, Ward noted that the FBI is investigating more than 300 refugees for possible terrorism ties. Read More.
Kelli Ward Endorses Sessions Plan to End Sanctuary City Aid
Taxpayers forced to fund left-wing local governments “outrageous” Read More.
Ward Endorses Trump Budget Framework
Kelli Ward today endorsed the budget proposal President Trump put forward this morning and urged Arizona’s representatives to move it through quickly. Read More.
Kelli on BBC News to talk about President Trump's immigration Executive Order
Kelli Ward on BBC News Channel to talk about POTUS immigration Executive Order Read More.
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