'What is she hiding?’ Top Republican accuses Pelosi of coverup by withholding Jan. 6 documents

The top Republican on the House committee that oversees U.S. Capitol security is blasting Speaker Nancy Pelosi for refusing to release key evidence showing the security planning prior to the Jan. 6 riots and is warning that the police force that protects lawmakers has not reformed itself enough to avoid another tragedy.

"We know there were intelligence analysis failures at the Capitol Police," Rep. Rodney Davis (R-Ill.) told the John Solomon Reports podcast during an interview Thursday on the one-year anniversary of the Capitol riots. And frankly, John, I don't think those have been corrected yet.

"Our job is to protect the Capitol, and they're making the same bad decisions," he said.

Capitol Police have said they have implemented numerous reforms since last year's riots and have fundamentally changed the way they evaluate security threats, but not all lawmakers are convinced enough change has been made.

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