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Now more than ever, Republicans can't renege on their pledge to cut taxes
Opinion: Now that the feds have simplified the tax system, Arizona must figure out how to comply with the law. There's only one way. Read More.
Ward: Arizona’s Status as a Republican Stronghold Requires GOP Dedication to Maintain
​For more than a decade, Republicans in Arizona have confidently declared our state a GOP stronghold, claiming that Democrats who run for statewide office face an uphill climb. Read More.
Elizabeth Warren has a Hillary problem, not a sexism problem
Released the other day, Massachusetts senator and possible 1/1024 Cherokee Elizabeth Warren's New Year's Eve announcement that she's formed an exploratory committee to run for president has not been met with much praise or fanfare across the Democratic base. Read More.
‘Be a Team Player’: Trump Compares Romney to Jeff Flake After His Op-Ed Bashing the President
Senator-elect Mitt Romney wrote a scathing op-ed about President Donald Trump, and it didn’t take long for the president to fire back. Read More.
Donald and Melania Trump make surprise visit to US troops in Iraq
​President Trump, who has been criticized for not visiting US troops during the holidays, slipped off to an air base in Iraq on Wednesday. Read More.
Congressman Gosar Stands up for Americans
Republicans made a promise to #BuildTheWall & secure our border. Thank you to Congressman Gosar & the House Freedom Caucus for working to deliver on that promise. Read More.
Dr. Kelli Ward Releases Statement on Rep. Martha McSally’s Appointment to the U.S. Senate
"I congratulate Congresswoman Martha McSally on her appointment to the United States Senate. She has served our nation honorably and courageously during her time in uniform and I look forward to working hand in hand with her on Arizona’s top priorities in the coming year." Read More.
Dr. Kelli Ward Releases Statement on Senator Jon Kyl's Resignation
Dr. Kelli Ward released the following statement today following Senator Jon Kyl's announcement of resignation. Read More.
It's Time to #UniteToWin
In order to #UniteToWin, the negativity within the GOP has to stop. I’ve called on my supporters to focus on positively spotlighting #Republicanideals in order to WIN BIG in 2020. Read More.
Our View: Kelli Ward is a good fit for state Republican chair
We’ve long said Northwest Arizona needs a bigger voice in state and national politics, and for a while, it looked like Kelli Ward might finally fill that role. However, after two near misses in her bid for a U.S. Senate seat, Ward has turned her attention to another role, one that’s less prominent but perhaps even more important when it comes to having a political influence. Read More.
Kelli Ward, 2-time US Senate candidate, seeks top Arizona GOP post
Two-time U.S. Senate candidate Kelli Ward said Monday she'll seek the top post in the Arizona Republican Party and likely forego any effort to seek the late Sen. John McCain's seat in 2020. Read More.
Kelli Ward Launches Bid for Arizona Republican Party Chair
Dr. Kelli Ward announced her bid for chair of the Arizona Republican Party, The Arizona Republic reported on Monday. The two-time candidate for U.S. Senate offered a unifying message at the launch and vowed to “usher in an overwhelming 2020” by competing and winning at every level of elected office. Read More.
Ward announces run for AZ GOP
LAKE HAVASU CITY, Ariz. - Dr. Kelli Ward announced her candidacy Monday for chairwoman of the Arizona Republican Party. Read More.
2-time US Senate candidate Ward seeks top Arizona GOP post
PHOENIX (AP) — Two-time U.S. Senate candidate Kelli Ward said Monday she'll seek the top post in the Arizona Republican Party and likely forego any effort to seek the late Sen. John McCain's seat in 2020. Read More.
Kelli Ward launches candidacy for Arizona Republican Party chair with a unifying message
​Republican Kelli Ward, the former state lawmaker who lost her U.S. Senate primary bid this year, is starting another campaign. Read More.
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