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Chairwoman Kelli Ward Provides Update on Arizona Ballot Audit, and NINE States are Traveling to Arizona to Learn About Forensic Audit Process
In this update Republican Party Chairwoman Kelli Ward gives shares the background information on exactly what the audit involves after her own tour of the Maricopa County ballot audit facility. Read More.
AZ GOP Chair Dr. Ward On The Progress Of Maricopa County Audit: “Latest Total Has Hit One Million Ballots Evaluated & Hand-Counted”
AZ GOP Chair Dr. Ward On The Progress Of Maricopa County Audit: “Latest Total Has Hit One Million Ballots Evaluated & Hand-Counted” Read More.
Arizona Supreme Court Issues Rebuke Against Maricopa County Recorder Fontes
In one of the most scathing rebukes of a public official in years, the Arizona Supreme Court released an opinion Wednesday that said Maricopa County Recorder Adrian Fontes “acted unlawfully” when he issued an instruction to voters that was at odds with the state’s official elections manual. Read More.
Recruitment push fuels record number of women in House GOP
House Republican women are on track to at least double their ranks after the 2020 election. Read More.
Wisconsin Clerks May Have Unlawfully Altered Thousands of Absentee Ballots
County and municipal clerks and poll workers across Wisconsin may have unlawfully altered witness statements on thousands of mail-in ballots across the state, "The Dan O'Donnell Show" has learned. Read More.
Update on the State of the Race in Arizona
Republican Party of Arizona Chairwoman Kelli Ward releases an update on the current state of the race in Arizona. Read More.
Battle for Senate majority keeps Georgia in spotlight
The presidential race is over, but in Georgia the campaigning is just beginning for twin runoffs that will almost certainly decide the fate of the U.S. Senate. Read More.
Biden Finally Leaves His Basement - For a Photo Op
Joe Biden, the Democrats’ presumptive presidential nominee, has finally decided he can come out of his basement. The former vice president, who had not left Delaware since mid-March, went to a black church this week to meet with community leaders. Read More.
Socialized health care would have made coronavirus worse, not better | Opinion
The vast majority of Americans would immediately object to a government official having the power to take an elderly person off of a ventilator to make room for somebody else. As a physician and a human being, I find even the thought to be both ethically and morally reprehensible, but under a government-run, socialized health care system that would become the new normal in America. Read More.
It's Time to Fix Our Eyes on the Post-Coronavirus Economic Revival | Opinion
In January, as career politicians in Washington, D.C. and their media allies smothered the American public in a sham impeachment, President Trump was working to establish a coronavirus task force with little to no fanfare. Primarily composed of healthcare professionals, that task force has led the way in the battle to "flatten the curve", advise the public, and gain private sector cooperation to produce more personal protective equipment for front-line healthcare workers. Read More.
Arizonans Want Four More Years of President Trump
This week, thousands of Arizonans gathered to show their support for President Trump as he made two stops in the cities of Prescott and Tucson. From securing the border and prioritizing safe communities, fighting for fairer trade deals, and providing massive tax cuts for Arizona families, President Trump has delivered real and lasting results for the Grand Canyon State. Read More.
The Rule Of Law Still Stands No Matter How Violent The Left Becomes
But when some bad apples turned the protests into something else, something violent, and the response was to let them run their course, a signal was sent—that the rule of law no longer applies to these radicals. Read More.
A Tale of Two Parties
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times” is the famous opening line from Charles Dickens’ novel A Tale of Two Cities. It is an apt description of the contrast we saw between Republicans and Democrats this week. Read More.
Opinion: The Senate Did Their Job
With the statement that Senator Murkowski would not vote for witnesses at the impeachment trial, coming on the heels of Senator Lamar Alexander’s announcement, the end of the impeachment circus was just a matter of time. Read More.
Opinion: Impeachment vote shows Kyrsten Sinema isn't so independent, after all
n 2018, then-U.S. Senate candidate Kyrsten Sinema was portrayed by the media and her campaign as an “independent voice” for Arizona. Through carefully cultivated TV ads, superficial mailers, and occasionally in her own words, Sinema intended to make crystal clear to voters that the term “Democrat” barely existed in her vernacular. The question is, was this version of Sinema reality or make-believe? Read More.

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