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Two Children ‘Accidentally’ Given COVID-19 Vaccines At Walgreens, BOTH Now Suffering From ‘Heart Issues’ – Lawyer
Two children were given the COVID-19 vaccine instead of the flu shot at and now have "heart issues" Read More.
Wisconsin's election probe zeroes in on Democrat machine tactics, rule changes
Former Supreme Court justice signals focus on whether bureaucrats improperly hijacked election rules. Read More.
Vaccine Mandate Protests Go Global
Police crashed with protesters in Rome after an anti-forced vaccination protest descended into violence. Italy has planned to introduce its “Green Pass” in a week, which prompted thousands of Italians to take to the streets to protest the government on Saturday. Read More.
Wyoming teenager arrested after refusing to wear mask on school grounds, family says
Grace Smith was arrested for trespassing at Laramie High School after suspension, refusing to leave Read More.
BREAKING: 92 State Legislators Sign Letter Demanding 50-State Election Audit, Decertification
"We call on each state to decertify its electors where it has been shown the elections were certified prematurely and inaccurately." Read More.
President Trump At Iowa Rally: We’re Going To Take America Back
President Donald Trump returned to Des Moines, Iowa to kick off his latest “Save America” rally. On Saturday, the 45th president highly criticized Joe Biden and his administration for mishandling a long list of issues the country has been facing for the past nine months under Democrat leadership. Read More.
DC COVID Policies Leave Hundreds of Students Without Clean Drinking Water
School workers forced to make Costco runs after water supply runs dry Read More.
AG Garland faces scrutiny over ties to Zuckerberg-backed ed consultancy amid critical race theory battles
Garland's daughter Rebecca married Xan Tanner, who co-founded Panorama, a consultancy tied to Facebook's Zuckerberg Read More.
North Carolina School District Passes Measure to Punish School Teachers Who Push Anti-American, Marxist Doctrines
A North Carolina school district in Johnston County has passed a measure punishing school teachers who indoctrinate their pupils to hate America through marxist pseudo-historical curricula like critical race theory. Read More.
Congressional Democrats Hold An Eight-Point Advantage Over Republicans, Poll Shows, But There’s A Catch
Congressional Democrats hold an eight-point advantage over Republicans for the 2022 midterm elections, a new poll shows, even as President Joe Biden’s approval numbers remain slightly underwater. Read More.
‘You Should Resign’: Republicans Tear into Gen. Milley for Interviews with Political Book Authors
Republicans this week confronted Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Army Gen. Mark Milley, the nation’s top military officer, on a series of interviews he gave to political book authors that has dragged him into the center of politics despite a tradition of military leaders trying to stay apolitical. Read More.
What the Arizona Audit Really Shows—and Why Election Officials Should Be Embarrassed
Critics of the forensic audit of Maricopa County, Arizona—including local election officials and many reporters—who are crowing that the audit confirms that President Joe Biden won the election in Arizona, either don’t understand the purpose of an audit or are trying to deliberately obscure the most worrying findings in the audit. Read More.
Dr. Ward: 2020 Votes From All 50 States Must Be Canvassed
Chairwoman of the Arizona Republican Party Kelli Ward said votes from last year’s elections should be canvassed in all 50 states. In a recent interview, Dr. Ward said all 2020 ballots must be reexamined by comparing them to identities of the associated voters and cross- referencing those voters to voter rolls. Read More.
Exclusive — Kelli Ward on AZ Audit: ‘Full Canvas’ of ‘Every State Needs to Be Done’
Dr. Kelli Ward, chair of the Arizona Republican Party, called for a canvassing of votes from the 2020 presidential election in all 50 states during an interview on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Sundaywith host Joel Pollak. ​​​​​​​ Read More.

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