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Impeachment debate heats up on floor as GOP objects, Pelosi says Trump gave Congress 'no choice'
Debate on historic articles of impeachment against President Trump kicked off in earnest shortly after noon on Wednesday amid fierce GOP objections and Speaker Nancy Pelosi declaring Democrats have "no choice" but to impeach. Read More.
McConnell: 'We've heard enough' on impeachment, prolonged Senate trial could be 'embarrassing scene'
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said Tuesday that he has "heard enough" from both sides on impeachment and that a prolonged trial -- with each side calling witnesses -- could lead to an "embarrassing scene" for the country. Read More.
Anti-Trump Republicans launch PAC to defeat him, as president's campaign mocks 'pathetic little club'
A group of prominent anti-Trump Republicans launched a new super PAC on Tuesday aimed at preventing the GOP incumbent’s 2020 re-election and even defeating some of the president’s top congressional allies at the ballot box next November. Read More.
Dem-led committee prepares impeachment resolution for House floor
The Democratic-led House Rules Committee on Tuesday began a marathon session to prepare the ground rules for what is almost certain to be a furious showdown vote on the House floor to adopt articles of impeachment against President Trump. Read More.
New CNN poll has bad news for Democrats: Impeachment support underwater, dropping significantly among Dems
Support for President Donald Trump's impeachment nationwide is underwater, and Democratic support for the president's removal from office has dropped markedly, a new CNN poll found. Read More.
Poll: Slightly More Americans Oppose Impeaching Trump than Support It: ‘It’s like the Hearings … Never Happened’
An NPR/PBS News Hour/Marist Poll shows that a slight majority of American adults are against impeaching President Donald Trump, with 48 percent opposing and 47 percent in favor. Read More.
What's in US-China Phase One Deal and What's Still Missing
The U.S. and China announced Friday that they reached a phase-one trade deal but provided little detail on what exactly will be part of the agreement. U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer brought a print-out of the 86-page agreement to a briefing with reporters Friday afternoon as a “show-and-tell” to prove that it’s all done and written up. Read More.
Schumer panned Clinton impeachment testimony as ‘theater,’ now seeks 4 witnesses in Trump trial
Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer has called for several current and former Trump administration officials to be subpoenaed to testify in the chamber's likely impeachment trial for President Trump. Read More.
Trump Campaign Raises $10 Million In Just One Week Amid Impeachment Probe
The Trump campaign managed to raise $10 million in just one week as House Democrats advanced their impeachment inquiry, according to Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale. Read More.
On cusp of impeachment, Trump ends year with spree of accomplishments
A striking scene is playing out in Washington as 2019 comes to a close. While Democrats move swiftly toward President Trump's likely impeachment, the president has at the same time notched a string of policy victories -- some with the help of the same House Democrats trying to drive him from office. Read More.
Nancy Pelosi Breezes Over Impeachment Inquiry During Weekly Press Conference
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi barely mentioned the impeachment inquiry against President Donald Trump during her weekly press conference Thursday; instead, she focused on legislation she hopes to pass through the House. Read More.
Dems plow ahead with impeachment articles, in heated all-day session
The House Judiciary Committee became the scene of a fresh partisan clash Thursday as lawmakers pressed ahead with two articles of impeachment against President Trump, with majority Democrats turning back a last-ditch bid by Republicans to scrap one of them. Read More.
Mitch McConnell Likely to Acquit Trump, Not Dismiss Impeachment Charges
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is expected to acquit President Donald Trump in the Senate if he’s impeached in the House, not just dismiss the charges against him, two senators told CNN on Wednesday. Read More.
Schiff Plans To Send Impeachment Report To House Judiciary After Thanksgiving
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff said Monday that he expects to send a report laying out evidence to support impeaching President Donald Trump to the House Judiciary Committee soon after Thanksgiving. Read More.
FISA report drop could scramble Trump impeachment effort
Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz plans to drop his long-awaited report on FBI surveillance during the 2016 campaign just as House Democrats are moving toward likely articles of impeachment. For allies of President Trump, the timing could be perfect. Read More.

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