Nearly 285,000 foreign nationals apprehended, evaded capture at border in April

U.S. Customs and Border Protection reported 211,401 foreign nationals apprehended at the southwest border in April, the second-highest total in 22 years.

These numbers don't include got aways, however, those who agents report as known to have evaded capture after they entered the U.S. illegally. In April, got aways totaled at least 73,463, with the most significant numbers reported in the El Paso and Tucson sectors.

When got away data is included, April’s numbers total nearly 285,000, greater than all other months this year.

CBP said overall encounters in April were up 10% from March. The majority of border crossers, 182,114, were apprehended between ports of entry, up 12% from March. Among them were 5% more single adults and 28% more family units.

Illegal aliens run from Border Patrol agents by CBP Photo by Jerry Glaser is licensed under flickr U.S. Government Works

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