Latino Voters in Key Swing-States Trust Trump More on Handling Immigration than Biden, Poll Shows

More Latino voters trust former President Donald Trump on immigration issues over President Joe Biden, according to a new poll in key swing states.

Forty-one percent of Hispanic voters trust Trump to handle immigration while only 38 percent said the same for Biden, according to a newly-released Equis poll. The survey reached out to 1,592 registered Latino voters in the battleground states of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, North Carolina, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

The survey appeared to show that many Latino voters are frustrated with Democrat accomplishments on the issue, with 72 percent of Latino respondents describing themselves as either “very” or “somewhat” concerned with Democrats’ “broken promises” on immigration. Sixty-five percent of Latino respondents also expressed concern over Democrats’ failure to deliver a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants.

The poll, which was conducted between April 20 and May 5 in both English and Spanish, includes a margin-of-error of 2.6 percentage points among those surveyed in battleground states.

The Equis poll was the latest survey indicating voter approval is slipping for Biden on immigration, particularly among Latinos.

Fifty-three percent of Hispanic adults approve of “a new national program to deport all undocumented immigrants currently living in the U.S. illegally,” according to a CBS/YouGov poll conducted earlier this month. Just 47 percent of Hispanic respondents said they opposed such a measure, falling outside the poll’s margin of error.

That same CBS/YouGov survey found 62 percent of respondents supported deporting “all” illegal immigrants from the U.S., including a majority of men, women, independents, conservatives, moderates, Republicans, individuals with a four-year college degree, those without a college education and people over 30 years of age. Only black Americans, Democrats, liberals and adults under 30 were mostly opposed to such a plan.

Portrait of President-elect Donald Trump by Library of Congress is licensed under Unsplash
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