Federal Judge Gives On-Camera Firearms Demo to Show Colleagues in Major Second Amendment Case Are Living in ‘Fantasy’

A federal appeals court judge published a firearms demo recorded in his chambers on YouTube to explain how his colleagues in a major Second Amendment case are living in a “factual fantasy.”

The full Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals reaffirmed an earlier ruling backing California’s ban on magazines holding more than ten rounds on Thursday, finding the ban does not violate the Second Amendment. In his dissent, Trump-appointed Judge Lawrence VanDyk linked to a self-made video where he uses his personal shooting equipment to refute the majority’s logic.

“It is so easy to demonstrate the conceptual failings of the majority’s new test that even a caveman with just a video recorder and a firearm could do it,” VanDyke wrote in his dissent.

The Ninth Circuit majority found that large-capacity magazines are neither arms nor protected accessories. Even if the Second Amendment covers “optional accessories,” the ban still “falls within the Nation’s tradition of protecting innocent persons by prohibiting especially dangerous uses of weapons and by regulating components necessary to the firing of a firearm,” the rulings states.

Dissent video in 23-55805 Duncan v. Bonta by United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit is licensed under youtube

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