FBI Immediately Leaks Project Veritas Internal Documents to New York Times After O’Keefe Raid

The FBI appears to have leaked internal Project Veritas communications to the New York Times just days after executing a chilling raid on the home of Veritas founder James O’Keefe, raising serious questions about the ethical practices of the federal bureaucracy and the legitimacy of investigations into Veritas.

The New York Times published internal Veritas documents on Thursday, quickly following a weekend raid on O’Keefe. The raid stem from the publication of Ashley Biden’s personal diary, in which the President’s daughter admits to her “resentment” of Joe and Hunter Biden, referring to the former as a bully with “money and power” and slamming the latter as an embarrassing drug addict.

In a development further attesting to the FBI’s lack of ethics, the documents in question were prepared by Project Veritas’ lawyer, therefore protected under attorney-client privilege. The FBI isn’t supposed to be even accessing these documents, let alone leaking them to the corporate media.

The documents entail protocols and operating procedures for Project Veritas, explaining to employees of the company how its sting operations are conducted in a legal and ethical manner. The establishment corporate media has consistently sought to designate Project Veritas as a criminal organization for publishing information embarassing to Democrats.
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