Katie Hobbs Faces Mounting Pressure as Corruption Investigation Heats Up

Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs is facing increased scrutiny following revelations of an alleged “pay-for-play” scheme uncovered by a left-leaning publication with media ads hitting the airwaves this week. State-solutions, Inc., affiliated with the Republican Governor’s Association, has invested in a six-figure advertisement campaign to highlight the investigation into Hobbs.

The ad says, “Tell Hobbs to cooperate and cut the corruption.”

Both Attorney General Kris Mayes, a Democrat, and Maricopa County Attorney Rachel Mitchell, a Republican, have asserted claims over the investigation.

Attorney Gina Godbehere, who is challenging Mitchell in a competitive primary told The Arizona Sun Times, “My opponent [Mitchell] should be more concerned about the effect of her lenient policies on our community, the victims, and law enforcement rather than chasing the political spotlight.

The story broke after Arizona PBS revealed Sunshine Residential, a significant donor to the Hobbs Inaugural fund and the Democrats, received a nearly 60 percent increase in state contracts. The ad released this week told Arizonans, “Three days after a state agency denied a contractor’s request to charge taxpayers higher rates, a donation appeared: $100,00 from the same company… into a slush fund controlled by Governor Katie Hobbs. Within months, the Hobbs administration reversed course, approving the request for more taxpayer money. Pay-to-play so brazen, Democrat Attorney General Kris Mayes has launched a criminal investigation.”

Katie Hobbs by Gage Skidmore is licensed under Flickr Creative Commons

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